Customs Handling of Import & Export Freight (CHIEF) is the computer system of the United Kingdom's revenue and customs services, HMRC.
CHIEF manages both the declaration and movement of goods into and out of the United Kingdom and is a means by which UK traders communicate with counterpart customs systems in the other member states of the European Union.
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The major function of CHIEF is to manage the data behind import and export movements and calculate revenues due on those movements. CHIEF accepts customs declarations from traders (possibly via CSPs – see below), validates the data, and if valid records it. It profiles the data sent and will award a "route of entry" to the declaration. This describes the steps that must occur for the movement to be permitted, and may include automatic clearance for trusted traders or a physical inspection of the good or paperwork for other traders. Having accepted declaration data, CHIEF and the inventory system that is managing the physical movement of the goods communicate (without involving the trader).
Typical flow of data and events might look like this.
In both import and export scenarios, unsolicited "reports" (data designed to be rendered by the recipient computer into a human-readable format to report upon changes) are sent when a change occurs on the declaration record, such as when the record is reprocessed upon goods' arrival or when the goods depart the UK. Reports are also used to communicate customs officers' enquires or requests to the trader. Traditionally the reports are automatically printed onto paper at the trader's office, although this is slowly being replaced by entirely electronic storage.
Until 2010, CHIEF was managed on behalf of HMRC by BT, British Telecommunications Plc, part of the BT Group Plc. The contract was not renewed and Capgemini took over on 17 January 2010. It is now managed by Aspire, a joint venture between HMRC, Fujitsu and Capgemini.
CHIEF is a proprietary application, which while under BT ran on the VME O/S on Fujitsu hardware. The database software is IDMSX. The Capgemini platform may be different.
CHIEF accepts declaration data from traders using proprietary EDIFACT messages based on the well-known United Nations D04A CUSDEC message. It replies using the D04A CUSRES, the CONTRL and using HMRC's twists on the UN's CONTRL and CUSRES messages, the UKCTRL and the UKCRES. Inventory management data are exchanged with the CSPs using entirely proprietary messages, UKCINV messages.
Being a vital government system that controls billions of pounds worth of revenue, access to CHIEF is tightly controlled. There are four major routes into CHIEF:
Service providers are companies that have a special relationship with CHIEF and who run inventory management systems at ports. Movement of good through these ports is managed by the CSPs, who provide access to CHIEF for the traders and who liaise with CHIEF regarding the physical movements of the goods. Such CSPs are: MCP - Maritime Cargo Processing (present at, among other ports, Felixstowe) CNS - Community Network Services (present at, among other ports, Harwich) CCSUK - Cargo Community System (for airport movements) DHB - Dover Harbour Board DHL - the major integrated forwarder These CSPs have dedicated connections to CHIEF.
Traders' declarations are usually submitted using the EDIFACT format defined by HMRC, sent to the CSP who will usually check its data against their inventory before forwarding the data to CHIEF. Responses from CHIEF are sent back to the trader, either as part of the transaction in which the upload occurred or as an unsolicited message.
For certain types of customs declarations, traders may access CHIEF without going through a CSP. This is achieved over the Internet using email, an XML web service or a website. The endpoint for the trade is a front door to all UK government services, the Government Gateway, who then use the GSI (Government Secure Intranet) to reach CHIEF (and indeed any other government computer systems).
The Human-Computer Interface is a telnet-like application that allows green-screen access into CHIEF. Declarations may be completed by typing data directly into CHIEF. The CSPs provide the physical means to use this method, usually both the terminal software and the transport mechanism.
Customs officers, who have ultimate control of customs activities, need a means to perform their business operations. They access CHIEF using terminals.
The EU-wide export control system is an arrangement for sharing movement and security and safety data among member states. CHIEF using the ECN+ software to link to the central ECS domain in Brussels. Since 1 July 2009, CHIEF sends movement data to ECS but only when box 29, the office of exit, has been completed by the trader. CHIEF has had the capacity receive data from other member states for when a UK customs office acts as the office of exit for some time.
Although the specification for the EDIFACT input for CHIEF for import declarations allows for CHIEF to be used for lodging pre-arrival declarations, this was never implemented and on 1 November 2010 an entirely separate Import Control System was launched.
In May 2010, HMRC formally announced its plans to retire (what has become known in the industry as) "Classic" CHIEF in summer 2012, replacing it with CHIEF STE (strategic technical enhancement). The objectives of this are to meet HMRC's obligations to have a service-oriented architecture for its applications, to incorporate TARIC 3 specifications and to allow for easier enhancements and changes. CHIEF STE will be a ground-up rewrite of the application baselined at Summer 2009 plus all formal changes (including ECS). Major changes include the dropping of EDIFACT in favour of XML (although a grace period will be allowed), compliance with TARIC 3, and the dropping of the HCI in favour of HTML web pages.